Konstantin Seifert studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and Harvard Law School in Cambridge, USA. As part of his professional training he worked for an international law firm in Paris and the German Consulate General in San Francisco. He was awarded a doctorate degree by the University of Münster for his dissertation on European Competition Law.
Before founding Oppolzer | Seifert he worked as an attorney with the antitrust department of Allen & Overy LLP before joining Corinius LLP. He was admitted to the Bar in 2007.
Konstantin Seifert speaks German, English, French and some Farsi.
He is a member of the German academic antitrust society (Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V.), the Competition Litigation Forum and of the Alumni organizations of Bucerius Law School, the German National Academic Foundation and his grammar school Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Hamburg.
Prestigious ranking Juve 2022/2023 lists him as "often recommended" lawyer for competition law ("as clever as a fox", "extremely intelligent advisor"; competitor).
P. +49 40 228 60 498 2
M. +49 151 7062 1894
E. seifert(at)oppolzer-seifert.de
The Bundling of Claims in Cartel Damages Litigation (German Chapter)
Q Class Actions January 2021 (full text available here)
Passing-on-Defense: Untauglicher Standardeinwand
(Passing-on-Defense: Unsuitable Standard Defense)
Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 2020, p. 350-355 (full text available for subscribers here)
Kartellrechtliche Fallstricke beim Vertrieb
(Antitrust Pitfalls in Distribution Agreements)
Finanzen Steuern Recht (Hamburg Chamber of Commerce), December 2018 (full text available here)
Die Darlegung und der Beweis der Auswirkungen des Kartells auf den Schadensersatzkläger: Aktivlegitimation, Befangenheit und Schadenseintritt
(Proving the Cartel's Impact on the Claimant: Standing, Concern and Occurence of Damage)
Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2019, p. 71-78 (WUW1287149) (full text available for subscribers here)
Kartellschadensersatz – Eine Einführung
(Cartel Damage Litigation – An Introduction)
Bucerius Law Journal, Issue 2/2017, p. 144-150 (full text available here)
Informationsbeschaffung für Kartellschadensersatzverfahren – Kommen Geschädigte (noch) an die Akte des Bundeskartellamts?
(Information Gathering in Cartel Damage Claims – Will Claimants (still) have Access to the Federal Cartel Office’s File?)
Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 2017, p. 512-518 (full text available for subscribers here)
Die Verjährung kartellrechtlicher Follow-on-Schadensersatzansprüche
(Statutory Limitation of Cartel Damage Claims in Follow-on Proceedings)
Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2017, p. 474-482 (WUW1244063) (full text available for subscribers here)
Die einheitliche und fortgesetzte Zuwiderhandlung - komplexe Kartelle im europäischen Kartellrecht
(The Single Complex and Continuous Infringement - Complex Cartels under EU Competition Law)
Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2013 (more information here)
The Single Complex and Continuous Infringement – „Effet“ Utilitarism?
European Competition Law Review, Issue 9, 2008, S. 546-556
"Europäisierung" des deutschen Kartellrechts – Konsequenzen für Kartellmitglieder?
(Europeanization of German Cartel Law – Consequences for Cartel Members?)
published in: Europäisches Wettbewerbsrecht nach der Reform, Behrens/Braun/Nowak (Hrsg.), Baden-Baden, 2006, p. 49-81 (coauthor) (more information here)
Der Tunnel unter der Flunke (Submissionsbetrug und rechtswidrige Absprachen bei Ausschreibungen)
(The Tunnel under the Flunke - Submission Fraud and Bid-Rigging)
published in: Wirtschaftsstrafrecht aus Sicht der Strafverteidigung, Rönnau/Samson (Hrsg.), Hamburg, 2002, p. 377-405 (coauthor)